Our address and points of interest data is accurate, up-to-date and rich in details. Take full advantage of this premium data with Locations.
Delivers coordinates and additional attributes for more than 5,6 millions addresses including place names, homesteads and apartments. Streets and administrative/territorial units are also available as lines and polygons.
Our address data update process is fast and flexible, so all changes that happen in real life arrive to our database quickly.
In addition to giving coordinates, geocoding service also normalises the address and adds details like address object type, postal code and population (for settlements).
Line and polygon geometries can be requested for treets and administrative units.
Conveniently configurable API input and understandably structured output.
Reverse Geocoder gives the closest address to a requested location.
Our address data update process is fast and flexible, so all changes that happen in real life arrive to our database quickly.
WGS, LKS or L-Est? The API understands different coordinate formats and projections.
Address component (Gazetteer) service returns all child nodes of a requested address level, and/or detailed information of any existing address. Used for constructing address forms with dropdown selections, and saving correct address with all its components to database.
Prevent customers to type wrong address! On the fly validation avoids the need for additional address correction.
Want to see all the streets in Tartu or Ventspils? Address Components service returns all the lower level components of any queried address level.
Around 100 000 points of interests (POIs) available for search. API gives the location of various types of objects from the closest shopping mall to a lone fuel station in a remote area.
Based on data from reliable data sources and thus ensuring continuous compliance of the API with actual situation.
More than 20 different POI types and 130 subtypes.
Get all the necessary details like contacts or open times.
Define by request parameters, which types or areas you’d like to involve in the output.